lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

Blog 3: Favorite Series or Movie

Hi everyone, today i'm going to write about my favorite movie: Interstellar.
Interstellar is a science fiction movie that was made in 2014. It's about a group of scientists and astronauts traveling into space looking for a habitable planet for humans because the Earth is going extinct. My favorite character is Josep Cooper, who is the protagonist and the person that has to travel to space. I really like him, because he is very smart. My other favorite character is Murph, who is the daughter of Cooper and she has to stay on Earth waiting for him. She suffered a lot, but she got ahead anyway. I think it's my favorite movie, because I felt very identified with the father/ daughter relationship they show and the final message is very beautiful. Also, I love the soundtrack, it is so great.
Generally, I prefer to watch drama, or suspense movies, but I think that this movie is the exception, and if you have the time to see it, I highly recommend it.
The movie is two hours and forty minutes long, and I watch it often (and it is often shown in the TNT channel).

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