sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Blog 4: Pets

Hi everyone, today I am going to write about my pet.

My pet is called Odín like a god of the nordics. He is a dog and has six months old, I adopted him when he has 2 months old and he was a very little puppy. I always want to have a dog and when the quarantine started my aunt let me have one so I search in Facebook for a dog looking for a home and I found him and when I saw his picture I fell in love and I knew he was the one.
When I went to look for him, he was in bad condition :( he had behaviors that demonstrate that they treat him badly like hiding scared and he has many fleas and ticks.
I can't decide what is the most part that I love of him because all of him is so adorable, he is a very playful, loving and smart dog and he changed my life for a good, everyday he makes me laugh and makes me feel accompanied. I love him very much.

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