domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

Blog 5: My future job

Hi everyone, today I am going to write about my future job.

In the future, I would like to have a job where I can work helping people, I have always wondered where I would like to work, but I always change my mind, because I'm not really sure of what I want to do, sometimes I would like to work on my own psychology consultation, others I would like to work in a cesfam, or even in a school. But, sincerely, I think I'm going to work, at first, in a hospital, because I really like clinical psychology. I really would like to travel in my job but I don't think I can, unless it's for studies to get a graduate degree or something like that. About the salary I wish it was good to have my own things, and to be able to travel or get a little house in the south of Chile, but sincerely, I think that other things are more important, like being happy with what I do.
Also, I would like it in my future job to have good colleagues and that they would commit and it will be so much better if I could work with my friends of the university because I think we would be a very good team.

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