lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Blog 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi everyone, today I'm going to write about something I would like to study in the future.

Well, when I finish my studies in psychology I would like to study art history because it is something that always wanted to study. I would like to study that because I think it is something that I really passionate about, it is very beautiful and I love to know about paintings, sculptures and architectures of every part of the world.
I would like to study this in Spain because I had the subject in the school in that country and I'm think that studying it in Europe is so much better because I could see different famous works that are there.
In other hand I would like to study yoga because I like it very much. I think it helps a lot to have a more harmoniuos life and be aware of the power of our body and mind. Also, I like it very much because when I do yoga it helps me a lot to exercise my body and have a more conscious life with animals and people.

If I have the opportunity to study again, in the future, I would like to study both things in person because I believe that study online is not a good way, specially yoga. I think that studying through internet we missed several essentials things like fluid communication or person interaction.

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