viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

Blog 7: Music

Hi everyone, today I'm going to write about my favorite band.

Like I wrote in the second blog, my favorite band is Pink Floyd. I think one of the main reasons is because the musical composition and the sound in this band are sublime and transport me like a psychedelic experience every time I hear them.

Another reason is because I've been listening to them since I was little and yet each song amazes me and does not bore me ever. Also, reminds me of my dad because he likes that band very much too.

It is very difficult for me to choose a single album because I really like all of them, but if I had to choose, I would choose 'Animals' or 'The dark side of the moon'.

Writing about music in general, the genre I like to listen to is rock in general, psychedelic rock, grunge, blues, jazz, among others.

In fact, I think my other favorite bands are 'Alice in Chains' and 'Tool'. Alice in Chains is a grunge band and I remember when I was a teenager I was very fanatic and I did a lot of research about the band and Layne Staley because he is one of my favorite singers. About Tool, it's a band whit very complex releases, incorpores visual arts and very long songs, and the band is generally described as a style-transcending act and part of the progressive rock/metal, psychedelic rock and art rock.

lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Blog 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hi everyone, today I'm going to write about something I would like to study in the future.

Well, when I finish my studies in psychology I would like to study art history because it is something that always wanted to study. I would like to study that because I think it is something that I really passionate about, it is very beautiful and I love to know about paintings, sculptures and architectures of every part of the world.
I would like to study this in Spain because I had the subject in the school in that country and I'm think that studying it in Europe is so much better because I could see different famous works that are there.
In other hand I would like to study yoga because I like it very much. I think it helps a lot to have a more harmoniuos life and be aware of the power of our body and mind. Also, I like it very much because when I do yoga it helps me a lot to exercise my body and have a more conscious life with animals and people.

If I have the opportunity to study again, in the future, I would like to study both things in person because I believe that study online is not a good way, specially yoga. I think that studying through internet we missed several essentials things like fluid communication or person interaction.

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

Blog 5: My future job

Hi everyone, today I am going to write about my future job.

In the future, I would like to have a job where I can work helping people, I have always wondered where I would like to work, but I always change my mind, because I'm not really sure of what I want to do, sometimes I would like to work on my own psychology consultation, others I would like to work in a cesfam, or even in a school. But, sincerely, I think I'm going to work, at first, in a hospital, because I really like clinical psychology. I really would like to travel in my job but I don't think I can, unless it's for studies to get a graduate degree or something like that. About the salary I wish it was good to have my own things, and to be able to travel or get a little house in the south of Chile, but sincerely, I think that other things are more important, like being happy with what I do.
Also, I would like it in my future job to have good colleagues and that they would commit and it will be so much better if I could work with my friends of the university because I think we would be a very good team.

sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Blog 4: Pets

Hi everyone, today I am going to write about my pet.

My pet is called Odín like a god of the nordics. He is a dog and has six months old, I adopted him when he has 2 months old and he was a very little puppy. I always want to have a dog and when the quarantine started my aunt let me have one so I search in Facebook for a dog looking for a home and I found him and when I saw his picture I fell in love and I knew he was the one.
When I went to look for him, he was in bad condition :( he had behaviors that demonstrate that they treat him badly like hiding scared and he has many fleas and ticks.
I can't decide what is the most part that I love of him because all of him is so adorable, he is a very playful, loving and smart dog and he changed my life for a good, everyday he makes me laugh and makes me feel accompanied. I love him very much.

lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

Blog 3: Favorite Series or Movie

Hi everyone, today i'm going to write about my favorite movie: Interstellar.
Interstellar is a science fiction movie that was made in 2014. It's about a group of scientists and astronauts traveling into space looking for a habitable planet for humans because the Earth is going extinct. My favorite character is Josep Cooper, who is the protagonist and the person that has to travel to space. I really like him, because he is very smart. My other favorite character is Murph, who is the daughter of Cooper and she has to stay on Earth waiting for him. She suffered a lot, but she got ahead anyway. I think it's my favorite movie, because I felt very identified with the father/ daughter relationship they show and the final message is very beautiful. Also, I love the soundtrack, it is so great.
Generally, I prefer to watch drama, or suspense movies, but I think that this movie is the exception, and if you have the time to see it, I highly recommend it.
The movie is two hours and forty minutes long, and I watch it often (and it is often shown in the TNT channel).

domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

Blog 2: The best vacation or concert ever

Hi everyone, today i'm going to write about the best concert I have ever been to.

The best concert of my life was the Roger Waters concert, which was in november, 2018 in the Estadio Nacional. Roger Waters is a musician who was part of Pink Floyd, he played the bass, and he was the composer of the band, and he created almost all of Pink Floyd's songs.
When Pink Floyd broke up, Roger Water was able to take the credit for all the songs that he created, which were all the songs in every record (except the last one), so he can always play the songs in all the concerts that he does.

During the concert, I was extremely happy l, because Pink Floyd is my favorite band, the atmosphere was so beautiful, the sound and the lights were perfect, Roger Waters played all my favorite songs.

I enjoyed it a lot, and a fun thing that happened is that I saw a lot of people passing out, and I think that they were wasted, because there were many people smoking weed, haha :-).

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Blog 1: A country I would like to visit

I would like to go to Spain, because when I was a 15 years old I went to live in that country with my dad and I have such a good memories there.
Spain is a beautiful country and the city that I lived its call Teruel. Teruel is a very small city and all the people know each other, also all the people are very friendly, so I could make many friends.
What I like most about Teruel is that the city has two big parties that are celebrated throughout the city. The first one is called "Medievales" and the whole city is disguise as if they lived in the medieval age, with long dresses and medieval costumes and food and entertainment stalls from that time. The second one is called "Vaquillas" and also is a big party but in this case all the people dresses of white and drinks a lot of wine for three days, it's very funny see all the people of the city singing, dancing and drinking like they're all friends.
I would like to return and live there for a while and see my old friends again.